The new year has always seemed a lot like a beginning of winter, or mid-winter celebration. It does not occur at a time reckoned by natural seasons or lunar cycles. It roughly, inexactly, pays tribute to the solar year. It happens at the beginning of a month because, like most things, a man said that […]
Resolutions You Can Live With
Last January I wrote a post about the “word” meme that swept across social media posts. My word was infrastructure. I succeeded in imposing some order upon my life. But at the same time I became reacquainted the impermanence of everything. Life’s genie is a trickster and reminds us that all is perspective. Framing 2014 served to reinforce my understanding […]
Resolution Reboot and Spring Cleaning
Has your resolve to keep your New Year Resolutions dissolved? Missed out on re-energizing your will power at the Lunar New Year? No worries. In the next few weeks we have several opportunities to recharge and revamp resolutions that have gone the way of dissolution. These opportunities might even stand a better chance of success […]
Yuletide Greetings
Hello dear friends and readers, Merry Christmas and Happy Yule! May whatever holiday of the season you most cherish be a blessed one spent with family and friends making memories to treasure. I will be taking a bit of time off from blogging over the next couple weeks to organize myself for the coming year, […]