The Tucson community is once again abuzz with news of Gabby Giffords. This time it is good news. While you may not agree with Blue Dog support of everything military as Gabby has tended to do in her political career, she does provide inspiration and shows what determination can do if you have medical and […]
Home and Family
Thanksgiving approaches and it is a special one. Aren’t they all? My daughter graduates from college in a few weeks and moves away. She stayed in the old hometown for college, and so this move away is her first real move away from home. I’ve considered myself in the same category as empty nesters for […]
Why Buying Local Is Better, Usually
If you are a small business operator starting out in a new direction, as I am, there is so much to consider beyond the usual business plan if you are also a political creature, as I am. When I was a graduate student studying semiotic analysis of cultural systems, my major professor told me there […]
Militarization, Exploitation and Abuse
Even the military would not start out in riot gear and spray toxic chemicals on peaceful protestors as a first response to students occupying part of their campus. We are doing just this. Will we tolerate it? What about the use of hugely expensive equipment created for dropping bombs, predator drones, on the U.S.-Mexican Border […]
I’m back in graphics mode! I just love what I can do for myself when it comes to making or finding the right image. It took a while to learn the basics, but I consider it time well invested. I learned how to manipulate images, create textures, and how to find out of copyright […]
Being Smart is Good
I don’t know if you have ever looked at the school books from the 19th Century or even early 20th Century, but the 6th “readers,” along the lines of McGuffy, Harper, Baldwin, Harvey and Appleton readers, but looking at them is an eye opening experience. This is from page 461 from McGuffey’s 6th Reader, […]