Full Moon on a Summer Solstice Occasionally celestial events co-occur. It seems that such an overlap is happening today. The Summer Solstice and the June Full Moon both happen today. That much is true. Everything else you might read about it could be bunk. Misinformation is everywhere. A cautionary tale to include your source when […]
9/11 Myths and Misinformation
This morning somehow, I think I was sleeping on the remote and punching buttons while I slept, I awoke to Fox News programming on which a guest, Retired General Michael Hayden, NSA Director leading up to and during 9/11/2001 was spewing vitriol about President Obama (please don’t say just Obama.) The Presidency and the current […]
Early Boomers Feel Misclassified Too
I found a great article this morning! Turns out the early boomers, at least some of them,feel they too were misclassified. I’m primarily interested in the description of musicians who were not boomers being used as iconographic images of the Baby Boom. Most of the musicians associated with the Hippie, free love, free sex, anti-establishment […]