I created this altered image from an image I found on Pixabay.com by deysanz. I added special effects and text (my own words) and watermarked the image with the url of this site using the free version of graphic editing software at picmonkey.com. For too many decades I saved things from long ago, we do it not because the […]
Aloneness and Memory
BEING AND BELONGING I am alone. I always have been alone. This aloneness is different. Ultimately it is the state we all are in all of the time. Consciousness is isolated inside our biological bodies. I have friends who would argue that our core essence can travel beyond our bodies, but for most people, this […]
Recursive Images of Memory
I’m working on a memoir, so I live much of my life in the act of looking backward. And boy is my neck tired. Bah-dah-bum. Sorry, couldn’t resist. Seriously though, I do accumulate a bit of tension from living in this state. My childhood before grammar school was fine, a bit isolated, a bit atypical […]
Two Days Ago I Didn't Have A Clue
That is, the day before yesterday I didn’t have a clue as to how I was going to prepare whatever I was going to prepare to present as my business at a women’s business owner’s luncheon today. While I’ve been preparing to launch my business for a very long time, I have been serious about […]
The Merry, Merry Month of May
May is my birth month. I’m sure that is why I have such a positive association with it. Birthdays were major for me as a kid. It was better than Christmas as far as gifts after I was 4 or so. It seemed to come out of the blue when I was very little, unlike […]