I am sad that I cannot make a chocolate upside down birthday cake for you. I am happy you are no longer in pain. I am still angry that I am alone and that you and my other brothers all abandoned me in this life. I am telling your story as best I can. It has been 49 years since you were blown up on your damn birthday.
The Personal Nature of Politics
Those who know me fairly well, or know me over time, will know that I have strong political beliefs. Those who do not know me but have read recent pieces I have written may be surprised that I would talk politics when my brother is in hospice and his life weighs so heavily on my […]
A Milan Kundera Day
Today I am struggling with being and nothingness. My mind travels from the bleak, drenching, 21st Century Arizona rain to artful black and white photos my mother never snapped of pans filled with shelled peas my brother and I had spent hours extricating from pods on an Indiana, summer afternoon. Creativity allows me to examine an imaginary […]
Sister of a Soldier – Memorial Day and Vietnam
Traditions When I was a little girl in the dark ages of the 20th Century, the Memorial Day Weekend was when my family went to cemeteries to tend the graves of our ancestors, including my great-uncle who had served in World War I, and pay respects to those who had gone on before us. The […]