An overt political rant is simmering within me. As some of you know, I spent a good chunk of my life, resources, and precious time when my daughter was in her teen years doing peace work. I joined with CodePink Women for Peace in February of 2003 in the streets of DC and last worked with […]
Recap by David Swanson of August 29 D.C. Iraq War Teach-In @ Busboy's & Poets
Peace Movement Pushes for End to War on IraqBy David Swanson As news stories are leading those still aware of the war on Iraq to believe it’s over, it was encouraging to see Busboys and Poets restaurant in Washington, D.C., packed Sunday evening for a four-hour forum on actions needed to actually end that war, […]
D.C. climate shifts from disagreeable to downright hostile
No time for much other than links. The following description of the weekend march and efforts by police and military to keep people from joining the march follows. After that thre are some links about harassment and arrest on Capitol Hill. Tens of Thousands March on the Pentagon and Call for Impeachment The March on […]
A soldier's dilemma and honorable action.
Justin Watts is an honorable man. A local Tucson man showed a strength of character that few possess and fewer still can maintain when confronted with horrific knowledge that if disclosed will permanently alter untold numbers of lives and indeed the course of a nation. Justin is the man who voiced his concern about what […]