Two great infographics I believe to be useful for bloggers
Juice, Juju, Karma, and The Business of Blogging: Part I
Guidelines: Self Promotion, Friend Promotion, and Brand Promotion Here are some significant considerations that influence how I allocate link and ad juice: Many people in my writing circles have been puzzling over the FTC disclosure guidelines released mid-March of this year. When my friends thrive, I thrive. When I thrive, my friends thrive. When companies […]
Follow Friday: Pinned, Tweeted, Posted
If you haven’t visited my Pinterest Account, I will forgive you for slacking up to this point, but you really do need to go and check out my #ff board on Pinterest. This week I added three follow friend per the Twitter hashtag tradition: @Heckerty, a 409 year old witch, and a woman who […]
Follow Friday: Networked, Tweeted & Pinned
WHAT IS #FF Two weeks ago, I mentioned the need to use the #ff hashtag on Twitter more effectively. My experimental change to this end has begun. #ff is a Friday meme on Twitter that is connoted by the #ff hashtag and is used as a way to promote Tweeters you follow and find interesting. […]
Another Fragment & Forward Friday
Fragment Fridays provide an opportunity for me to collectively address the accumulation of ideas that have not made it into into print this week that either I really wanted to develop into full posts or were enticing thoughts that I just did not get beyond the “jotting down” stage. Twitter and #ff Mania I totally understand […]