The last quarter of 2023. For some it means that student loan payments with their sky high interest rates which accrued more debt even as the students finished up their studies will start again. For others this day signals the beginning of preparation for the coming holidays. Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are the big three […]
History Between Harvest and Hunter's Moon
Welcome to the witchy, bitchy month of October! Witchy? Yes. In the U.S., the lead-up to Halloween is huge business-wise and excitement-wise for the young and young at heart. But witches are often considered to be female and bad. This “women = X is bad” must be rejected. There is so much women’s history and […]
Where Does Beautiful, Poignant Autumn Begin?
Autumn in Tucson is a time of wonder: perfect days to play hooky and warm oneself in Sabina Canyon, preparation for late and winter gardens, evenings spent outdoors on patios, and preparation for the All Souls Procession – these all alter the angle of perception of the season in that unique way only Tucson can.
My Life, Tucson, and Autumn
I first visited Tucson in October. It was a gorgeous autumn. Warm, but not too warm. Sunny, but with the long, slanted light of fall, not the pounding sun of summer. I had visited the Flagstaff and Prescott areas previously, and that was fun, but I felt at home here in Tucson. I moved here […]
Autumnal Equinox – Calm Before the Storm
I have always loved the ways the words “autumnal equinox” roll off my tongue. Three syllables each, vowel heavy, q and x, and n sounds, quirky smooth complexity. The season was sort of a damp gray melancholy after a few days of vibrant color where I grew up in the mid-west, but where I now […]