As the lead-in on the Buycott app company landing page says, “Have you ever wondered whether the money you spend ends up funding causes you oppose?” Consumer-side market research has come of age with the Buycott app that allows you to find out who owns the product you are thinking of buying. I may be […]
Wooing the Blogging Mama Demographic — my notes on Hybrid Media session
I am so amazed by the energy put into commercial support of this conference. That is both good and bad. Corporatization (is that a word?)– changes the game. —————-Panel:redbook, essence, bravoLisa Stone (moderator), Stacy Morrison, Lesley Inckney and Lisa Hsia—————- Bravo — old media &. new media revenues from this also learning how to monetize […]
The Face of the Anti-War Movement Fires Back
The Face of the Anti-War Movement Fires Back – “” This article perfectly illustrates the problem with the core of the Democratic Party. I will probably vote for Obama, but after the 2006 elections rolled Democrats onto Capitol Hill with a massive mandate to end the war and get control over Bush, and they […]
A soldier's dilemma and honorable action.
Justin Watts is an honorable man. A local Tucson man showed a strength of character that few possess and fewer still can maintain when confronted with horrific knowledge that if disclosed will permanently alter untold numbers of lives and indeed the course of a nation. Justin is the man who voiced his concern about what […]