I could not post what I had planned to post today. Moore, OK changed all that. So instead here are some images that are out of copyright for you to use as you see fit. The images in this almanack are out of copyright and have entered the public domain. I like to treat images […]
Punxsutawney Phil, Ewe's Milk, and St. Brighid
Happy winter mid-point to spring! Whether you call it Groundhog Day, Candelmas, Imbolc, or St. Brighid’s Day, the point in the annual cycle of days and seasons where we are in this current year has been marked in the Northern Hemisphere for tens of hundreds of years. I am a veritable fountain of information on […]
Black Friday, Shop Local Saturday, Buy Nothing Day and Walmart
If I lived in Bedford Falls I might enjoy the hustle and bustle of Christmas Shopping with the rest of the townsfolk, excluding mean ol' Mr. Potter. But I live in a metropolitan area with over a 1,000,000 other souls and no freeways. I am not your typical American Shopper. I consider shopping to be […]