Women are creating our history by recording it for the first time, and by doing so we are nudging the future in an unknown, but feminine direction. We may continue to exist because of the mediating balance that women’s knowledge provides.
Sisters of the Earth
Happy Earth Day! I’m thinking of Earth Sisters near and far throughout time and space this Earth Day when we honor Mother Earth. Environmentalists I want to give a shout out to some of the women who influenced my understanding of the fragile globe we live upon. Gene Stratton-Porter Rachel Carson Rachel read Gene as […]
Wet Earth in Spring
The prompt I'm using today comes from Nablopomo and I've chosen it because today is the day for the Letter D in the Blogging A to Z Challenge: “In Spring at the end of the day you should smell like DIRT.” — Margaret Atwood This image is from Morguefile.com and reminds me of early Spring […]