WLP focuses on meaning not monetization. I teach women how to use social media and online platforms to tell their stories and market their businesses. I am now bringing this approach to a larger sphere of women’s lives and offering expanded access to my methods.
The Last Blossom on My Branch
With my love of family stories, personal history, and personal material culture it is ironic that I see my Family Tree pruning itself into oblivion. My daughter is the last women of my maternal line. She is so much like me in many ways. I always said until I was in my early 30s that […]
The C of Legacy Tools
is for Conserve and Curate in the A to Z of Tools for Legacy The verbs to conserve and to curate are chicken and egg concepts. Do you have to conserve something before it can be curated? Or is conservation something done within the process of curation? Like almost every discussion about the difference between two things, […]