The think I like about women’s activism is that it is like a bouncy session on a trampoline. I visualize it as women standing on a web or net that overlays a map of the country or globe. As a woman here or there becomes less active and sinks to a less active level, other […]
One Nation Working Together – call to ACTION
One Nation Working Together For Jobs, Justice and Education for All Who We Are We are One Nation, born from many, determined to build a more united America – with jobs, justice and education for all. We are young people, frustrated that society seems willing to spend more locking up our bodies than educating our […]
Zen Activism
There is a part of me that seems to be holding onto a great amount of regret or guilt about my becoming less active in the Peace Movement. There is a part of me that wants to experience a normal, calm, happy life. There is a part of me in which the fight or flight […]
Senate Hearing on FLDS/Polygamy and a personal rant on religious freedom and the separation of church and state.
I didn’t catch most of this hearing as I didn’t read my email that said that Terry Goddard would be testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary panel on the FLDS and Polygamy and that it would be on C-Span 3 as well as streamed on the internet. My sketchy notes are at the very […]
Where Torture Leads Us
Recently in the English speaking world we have begun to talk about torture as though it is some distasteful cultural oddity that can be discussed, legislated, and most importantly swept under the carpet by decent people. I hear American people talking about whether torture is “worth it;” whether the information gained from such means is […]