So while some of us may be expressing concern as we mull over the whole Google privacy hoo-haa, at the very same time, some things Google is doing are very much in our interest as women, household managers, content creators, and savvy private and public consumers of information. Google appears to be using relationships and networks (of both creators and consumers) in the algorithms that determine the authority of individual chunks of information on the web. And women are the mavens of communication and relationship networks.
Re-post (from of My Day 3 Nablopomo Post
I’ve been having a Dickens of a time… (I just love that phrase! Pardon me while I digress: The phrase always conjures up an image for me of a little match girl wandering the streets of a cold harsh reality in a Victorian novel by Charles Dickens — in this case imagine a little match […]
Booming BlogHer Batman!
Hey Folks, I was at #BlogHer11 in Sandiego (yes, this is a hashtag to use on Twitter) from August 4 thru 6 then took a week off to figure out a stay sane plan for the coming semester. No, I have not gone back to school. My husband is taking a sabbatical this semester and […]
BlogHer Business Enterprise Technology Conference
WOW. The 1st BlogHer|bet conference was a whirl wind affair consisting of a Thursday night gathering at Cisco Tele-presence Suites in Santa Clara and Friday at Microsoft in Mountain View for speakers and panel sessions. A tech conference in Silicon Valley, how novel… well actually it was. Women supporting each other as entrepreneurs, sharing scoops […]