Some folks take things far more literally than I do. With me, many concepts are up for discussion. But discussion isn’t belief. And I do not care for argument. As I’ve mentioned before, in the last few days, speaking things into being starts the universe according to many religions. It is one of those things […]
Coming Back to Now
I didn’t even know I was gone and not in the present. Say what? From time to time I find myself at a place that feels normal and balanced and hints at the centered and successful person I could be… if I can just maintain the now I am in. Memory, Thought, and Age Perspective […]
Summer Above, Winter Below, and Confusion All Around
“It is the June Solstice wherever you go today,” I wrote last week. In the Northern Hemisphere we observe the Summer Solstice and in the Southern Hemisphere the Winter Solstice is observed. Like everything humans do, there is some disagreement about what this means, except that old Sol aligns with the Tropic of Cancer. I […]
Absolutes in Transition
In this series of posts that I began yesterday I am looking at this past week’s significant newsworthy developments with an eye toward what crucial and competing cultural processes are at work in the world today and what they might signify within our culture. These events are: the Occupy groups the outing of corrupt college […]