Benefit It is very, very difficult to try to talk about anything good associated with the January 8th assassination attempt on U. S. House of Representative Member, Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords that left six dead and 13 physically wounded. Countless Tucson families and citizens and all the networks all these people touched were also emotionally changed, […]
Giffords was TARGETED by Palin
Maura Policelli, Rep. Giffords Chief of Staff speaks to DFA and Congressional District 8 constituents
This evening’s public meeting with Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ Chief of Staff organized by DFA TUCSON which took place at the City of Tucson Ward 6 Office focused on the topic of impeachment. At times a couple of outbursts that were a bit beyond the bounds of civil discourse. But given the intense emotion and passion […]
Multi-Banner Drop in the Hart Bldg. after talking with Gabby's staff.
29 JANUARY 2007 NOTES FROM GABBY’S folks.Marched from the Pink House to Cannon. Actually I was supposed to go with the Pinkers to Rayburn & the Shoe distribution. My shoe has Ashref Katjhem Gasem name attached. She was 5. Got to 502 Cannon after navigating the corridors, construction and —- and —— were already there. […]