I've been in such a funk lately that I decided to spend the day organizing… Household Organization First I bought a new shower curtain to coordinate with my old brick wall in the master bath. This helped me get out of my recent doldrums a bit. This didn't really help me organize anything, but having […]
Election Apps
Apps of the week I'm featuring this wonderful and wacky Wednesday are all centered on the upcoming election. So just in case you would rather use a mobile app to check out what is what rather than resorting to the old-fashioned “binder full of women” approach, the app by Election Protection is the way to […]
Meeting Scheduling Program that Interfaces with Social Media Platforms
The pace for the New Year is increasing in tempo. I’ve found a wealth of great information I want to share with clients, friends, and readers since my return from being snowed in in Brooklyn. I love all things Macintosh and am always checking out new, and old, software for the Mac. Tungle Me® is […]