The Influence of One Woman If you ask readers to name two successful African American women writers you will probably hear Alice Walker and Toni Morrison in reply. But if you go back another generation the reply, if the respondent is savvy in history and literature, has to be Zora Neale Hurston. But she was […]
Iconic K: Kindred Kali
“The phrase “kindred spirit” evokes for women who grew up reading the stories of the adventures and misadventures of Anne Shirley Anne Shirley a young woman, an orphan, who desperately wants to have a shared relationship that is a true and lasting connection between people as deep as a connection of kin but as individually affirming […]
Brief update
Day 2 and 3 report is coming soon. For now: 10.2.10Saturday Day: Umbrellas at the Archives. March and Rally was amazing! All these groups working together! Saturday Night: Then Alice Walker reading and Furious Dance at Bus Boys and Poets — Yowza. 10.3.10Sunday Morning: BOW$$H training.Sunday Afternoon: Umbrella Action (choreographed) at Eastern Market