This is an edited repost of an article originally posted on Nancy’s personal blog in May 2013. ———– Do you every ask yourself, who am I helping with my participation in this ad campaign or blogging network? Perhaps you should. Helping yourself, helping your community, and helping global corporations all have very different reward structures […]
Classic Commercial Art Posters from the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries
It is yet another Wordless Wednesday and today I want to share one of the neatest commercial advertising art books I’ve run across since I regularly began searching through the Internet Archive. If the absolutely amazing resource is properly searched using the advanced search function, it is relatively easy to search for material containing images […]
Sponsor Awareness at BlogHer 12
This is the Third in a Series of Topical Summaries about BlogHer 12 in New York Blogging about blogging may be a bit less of the navel gazer recursive exercise than it would at first glance seem to be. The publication industry is changing, and that change is strikingly apparent when I look back over […]
I’m back in graphics mode! I just love what I can do for myself when it comes to making or finding the right image. It took a while to learn the basics, but I consider it time well invested. I learned how to manipulate images, create textures, and how to find out of copyright […]
The Prototypic Baby Boomer Toots Her Own Horn
I’m reclaiming my authority on this topic. (Yes, you are allowed to have Cartman echoing in your head, “Respect my authority!”) The last half of the baby boom needs me. Well they wanted to call us the “me generation” so I might as well act like I have a super huge ego. Seriously, I ranted […]