Did you know you can embed tweets? You can! Fifty years ago at 5.15pm on Nov 23rd 1963, a mysterious exile from another world appeared on @BBCOne in #DoctorWho. pic.twitter.com/XUmYQZn9QZ — BBC One (@BBCOne) November 23, 2013 In the following image I have cropped part of a screen capture of a tweet by […]
Doctor Who & the Man Who Sent Us To The Moon
A children’s TV series, Doctor Who, debuted in November 1963, historically speaking at the same moment as the funeral of the very man who put the dreams of reaching the moon within a decade into the collective mind of humanity.
50 Years Later: A New Nonviolent Movement for Voting Rights and Jobs
The 50th Anniversary gather and march in honor of The March on Washington for Jobs and Justice this weekend was inspiring and moving! I cried when I saw Emmett Till’s cousin standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial with the parents of Trayvon Martin. My heart connected to Myrlie Evers-Williams, widow of slain activist […]