When underground comix were de rigueur, Robert Crumb created a character that was depicted as walking determinedly down the street that popularized the phrase, “Keep on Trucking.” This phrase was probably influenced by “keep on keepin’ on” that was a phrase in Tangled Up In Blue by Dylan. The phrase means to just keep on living life […]
The Personal Nature of Politics
Those who know me fairly well, or know me over time, will know that I have strong political beliefs. Those who do not know me but have read recent pieces I have written may be surprised that I would talk politics when my brother is in hospice and his life weighs so heavily on my […]
Beatles, Basements, 45s, and a Dream about Row Boats
NaBloPoMo Has Me Writing About Crushes. WTF! The prompt for today has me thinking back to when I was, hmm, let me see… Revolver came out in what year? 1966. August 5th to be exact. So I was 9 years old. I’d listened to other Beatles albums and 45s at a fairly well off friend’s […]