We are still updating computer stuff and that is going well, but my thoughts have turned to a little girl, a 6 years old, who is missing from her home in the city in which I live, Tucson. Her family says someone came in and took her during the night. We do know this happens. The authorities do not know why she is missing. But there are 17 registered sex offenders living within 3 square miles of her home. One offender on her street a few houses down is a level three, high risk, offender. My stomach is churning.
For years there were no sex offenders living in my neighborhood. I would check from time to time because of my daughter. I was more concerned about the porn store a few hundred yards from the back of my house. I knew there were pervs parking in the parking lot behind our house for a respectable office, quiet office building and walking over to the porn shop. The shop has no windows, no flashy signs, and plenty of parking in the rear. I don’t know what exactly goes on there, and I don’t want to know. We put up a high fence and got a Neapolitan Mastiff to guard our daughter. During the day there were no problems, but at night sometimes we would notice weird things in the office building parking lot at night. We have no problem calling the police when weird things are happening nearby.
Our daughter is grown and moved away. Her older step sister has two little girls. We still have big, mean dogs. We are willing to take the insurance risk to have living deterrents from anyone entering our home or yard. Not everyone can live like that though.
I just checked the sex offender registry again and there are now 2 guys living near my home. They are on the far side of the 3 square mile radius from my home.
This upsets me, but this poor little missing girl had 17 offenders living nearby. 17! The two nearest to her were high risk at level 3, which means likely to repeat the offense. They also all live near the major shopping mall, Park Mall, that falls into this 3 sq. mi. area. Do sex offenders hang out at that mall? Seems likely. Oh God, this is sick.
I can’t imagine having a child kidnapped, abducted, whatever. Monsters. Why are people who hurt children allowed on the street? I hope all this is over-reaction, but it doesn’t sound like it.
Pray. Meditate. Send the family and little girl strength, light and love.
This makes me so sad.
Yes. There is an overwhelming feeling of sadness and fear in Tucson tonight. FBI has been working with local police agencies for days, but the FBI Profile Unit just arrived in town. Purple ribbons were the theme tonight at the vigil where Isa’s team plays.