The pace for the New Year is increasing in tempo. I’ve found a wealth of great information I want to share with clients, friends, and readers since my return from being snowed in in Brooklyn.
I love all things Macintosh and am always checking out new, and old, software for the Mac. Tungle Me® is my first download to try out for the new year.
An interactive scheduling application that you may integrate within your website, and manage from Tungle Me allows clients and prospective clients to propose meeting times with you in predefined time slots and places which you can then confirm or to which you can propose changes.
The most important way Tungle Me and the reason I initially followed links to it is that it integrates is with major social media applications tunneling through social media ho-hum to direct contact with you.
A status bar icon allows easy access to many functions including web management of your calendar, schedule and address book. Syncing with iCal and other common calendar programs is easy and can be auto-scheduled to occur according to your needs. Email notifications to more than one account can be sent when a meeting has been requested.
The price is very reasonable after a generous trial period.
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