Why are people so stupid? Why do people support actions and people that work against there own interests? They do you know. It is a Horatio Alger thing. Only smart people will get that reference.
Well, I chalk it up (maybe I should say chuck it up) to evolution. Yep. Most people, even really educated ones, do not understand the concept of evolution. Survival of the fittest is a rather misleading shorthand phrase. Fittest does not mean best. Fit only means having reproduced oneself biologically. If you live to pass on your traits you have been successful evolutionarily. You are fit. The fittest means leaving behind the most surviving offspring.
Intelligence is not a fit trait. At least not high intelligence. The more educated someone is the fewer children that person is likely to have. Presuming education equates at some level with intelligence, having fewer children than everyone else is going to mean there are very few intelligent people in the population.
Culture is supposed to evade this fact of life by being the way we pass on information outside of the biological dictates of genetics. Culture allows us pass on knowledge to individuals who share no family connections with us.
Basically, intelligence helps us all, but it doesn’t stop the ignorant from overpopulating the planet by at least one half.
And who am I calling stupid? You really want me to make enemies don’t you?
- Well adherents of the extremist Quiverfull brand of über-patriarchal fundamentalism for one. Actually the males in this cult are exhibiting an often-practiced male animal behavior. It is the social chador American ultra-conservative American Fundamentalism.
- Fox News watchers, secondly. ’nuff said.
- Climate change deniers.
- Namby-Pamby Democrats who try to avoid any strong and or progressive stands.
- Republicans who know they are liars.
If we do not start using the knowledge we have, then well, we deserve the massive multi-system collapse that awaits us within just a few years from economic, environmental, and climatic catastrophes.
Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe is almost certainly the next chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. He is an idiot.
There I ranted. You can stop holding your breath now.
Yes and yes, specifically to your Nos. 2 and 5. Unfortunately my husband is a 2 and a 5 at times. Let me just say, we can’t talk politics in my house… if we hope to stay married.
Love is blind they say. I dated Republicans and Libertarians, but I married a Democrat, just like me. I know marriages where the difference is no problem. I admire it. I am not sure I could do it.
It boggles my mind how some of the stupidest people are also the most fertile.
I know that some of the smartest people know how to prevent pregnancy and want to do so. They may be just as fertile, but act to thwart that fertility.
I love a good rant and do it from time to time. I wish it actually changed something, but it only gives me a bit of catharsis so I can continue dealing with the bull shi….
You said it Carol!
Sometimes I think getting it off your chest is the best reason to rant, whether you do that online or off. And yes, it amazes me how many stupid people there are in this world, and a lot of the time, it has nothing to do with politics, although it can be a contributing factor. I wandered over here from the NaBloPoMo page. I’m glad you’re participating. Good luck throughout the rest of the month, and I hope you enjoy the challenge.
Sometimes we do just have to release it. Stupidity is endemic in all parts of society. When did we lose our critical reasoning skills?
I’d like to think I’m pretty moderate in my outlook. To me it seems like most media outlets are pushing agendas rather than facts. It takes a savvy person these days to find information that’s not slanted — one way or the other. I worry that true journalism is doomed and certainly understand being frustrated.
I worry about this too, and that most people really just want to be spoon fed.
Oh, I’m so with you, Nancy, and am ranting today too. We have turned into a stupid country and I’ve totally lost my sense of humor about it.
Yes, Lois, I have no sense of humor when it comes to irresponsible politics and people.
Thanks for your rant, a continuation of what I’ve been screaming about. Horatio Alger aside (got it) people are lazy, stupid and we’re being run by Koch Brother mentality. This was a debacle of massive proportion, Nancy.Nothing funny or feel-good about any of it.
No not a thing funny about it. Apathy allows evil to proliferate. I cannot stay silent.
I have been ranting too, in my head and out loud. Pretty sad day…
Yeppers, a very sad day.
It must be close to full moon. I was on a rant this morning too!
The moon is in Taurus (like me) and it is a full moon.
I don’t want to wake up or leave my bubble…. I have an Audible.com book to listen to in the car (even NPR infuriated me this morning), the TV will stay off, I am not reading any news (other than that written by my friends), and will keep it up for a few more days…. Just for a few more days….
I wish my willpower was as strong as yours. I should be avoiding media, but I am not. Steam is coming out of my ears.
I love a good rant. I even agree with you re intelligent people not breeding enough.
I am very concerned about the overpopulation of the world. Rememember ZPG?
I’m working on loving as many people as I can. Including the Republicans (and even those who watch Fox news). Otherwise, I would go nuts. I don’t understand them, and I guess they don’t understand me. So I am gonna lead with love.
Kim you are a better woman than me.
Rant on but can’t we all just get along? I think that most media has hyped things up these days and people are confused by that. I agree with what Jamie up above said that people are pushing agendas and not facts and journalism has changed.
I understand wanting to have everyone get along, but after you have received death threats from “the other side” it changes things. The situation is so dire that trying to get along is costing whole species and ecosystems.
I used to rant a lot….a lot…..and then I hurt someone I loved so deeply. I was trying to be funny, glib….but it was personal to them. It was just a difference of opinion but I chose to use their beliefs to pound them on the head and demean. Since then I have tried to enjoy passion without taking anything personal. Even if it is directed to me personally. I love that there are 2 parties, because one party or the other would take us off a cliff. I read op eds from folks I don’t agree with just so I know why they think the way they do. And I usually find great comfort in the fact they have good reasons for believing as they do. When I decided to really live my religion my life improved because I would be a hypocrite if I didn’t try to love everyone. Now I don’t really care what you believe in as long as you aren’t mean….I find common ground with almost everyone. Differences are wonderful…it is how I learn. But make no mistake, I love your passion!!
I used to rant all the time. I try to be more reasoned, but I am passionate, and very well informed. The thing that really scares me are people in both parties who sell out and ignore what they know for the all mighty dollar.
yuk, my comment sounds so corney….sometimes when I write things it doesn’t sound like what it did in my head
Don’t worry about it.