Information is not data. Neither is it what you know. Information as defined by Gregory Bateson.
Information is any difference that makes a difference.
Gregory Bateson
He also said something to the effect that when one thing makes it on to our map it becomes difference, or information. Anything in an environment is only real when it bumps, nudges, or interacts with another thing. If we do not put it on our map of differences it remains part of the void, the great unknown. So… If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, no one maps it and it makes no difference. Perhaps something else knows of it, but without our having noted that it exits, for us it does not. Dogs know scents we will never know. Such scents cannot inform us as we do not know them. But we know to trust the perceptions of the dogs in our pack and act on their knowing.
Knowing We Do Not Know
I suspect that most humans understand that there are things we do not know. Our concept of knowing that we do not know is a fearful situation for many, and that believing in a deity that knows all and sees all, is comforting in the face of that fear.
This is probably too esoteric for most folks, but somehow, knowing that I create the thing I see when my eye picks up bit of light bounced to me is heartening. Everything is created from the differences we pick up and place on our maps.
I would not want to think about such things all of the time, but it heartens me to know that I am in charge of the bits of stuff that make up information in my world.
Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sources
I find it absolutely amazing that we communicate with each other at all. This secondary exchange of information about things that have made it on to our own maps, but have not had direct perception by others, blows my mind. Then there are then references that direct others to find these exchanges.
This brings up the puzzle of AI. Is AI just data? Is AI itself just data using data.
I in #AtoZ2023 – Information
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