I participate in a co-working group on Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. We meet at the top of every hour for no more than 15 minutes and then work on announced projects for 45 minutes. Check-ins promote accountability. It works.
Accountability today, (writing 30 March 2023) for me, revolves around creating at least one publishable article or post. Today I will write about Deepak Chopra’s Sacred Verses Healing Sounds which I am listening to via Scribd. This was a 2 CD set published in 2004. I am so glad I found this class, book, lecture, demonstration… whatever its essence as a marketing description is. I found it as an audiobook.
Deepak Chopra is one of the best known of the purveyors of many modes of self help via eastern practices and understanding in the western world. His reading of the Bhagavad Gita, one of the most sacred Hindu texts thought to have been written 4,000 years ago, is a version of a text I first read when I was a freshman in college that I will listen to many times. Good Version.

Fair warning, it you decide to use SCRIBD, and subscribe via the above link, I will receive a free month of the service. If you subscribe you will receive two months of free reading and listening. This is so much easier and nicer than with Amazon’s Audible.
I found this audio book through trying to find out about a spin-off of lucid dreaming purportedly called reality shifting. I know it is discussed on Reddit, but I have never trusted Reddit as a source. So I started digging elsewhere.
By the way, I would love to know what your favorite trusted sources are. We must counter the disinformation coming at us from all directions. Really, what sources do you use? Please list in the comments.
Fictional Constructs
I love to explore weird things, things I don’t understand, and things that only scare me a little bit.
That is why I watch ghost shows, but only the nice ones, not ones that try to bring forth anything. I don’t know that there is anything to bring forth, but I only like shows like Kindred Spirits that have an inherently “We are just here to help” sort of vibe, plus I do not think it is acceptable to disturb anyone, even spirits.
And I watch some UFO stuff for fun too. I have seen things that are weird. No abductions or anything like that. But I have seen unexplainable things in the sky and air. Sometimes I want to hear other peoples stories.
Language and Naming
I know some of the things I’ve experienced are almost certainly the same sort of things that other people have experienced and named as X, Y, or Z (transcendent experiences, spirits, or unidentified aerial phenomenon) but I am somewhat superstitious about naming them. Does naming a thing give it more substance? My logical mind says, “No.” But so many cultures have an origin story that includes the universe or world being spoken into existence. It makes me wonder. Chopra discusses this.
I remember this song. I was fascinated by the many levels of this song. I also know that I could never live in the house that Aliester Crowley bought on Loch Ness in which to conduct magick. Jimmy Page lived in the house for only 6 weeks. And that is why Led Zepplin used to totally freak me out.
Visceral reactions mean something has alerted our bodies’ neural systems to respond as a basic instinctual awareness. Zepplin used to do that to me. But my spidey sense has become more developed and potential things no longer bother me very often.
But I still believe in words having power. Chopra’s discussion of words bringing the material world to life is calming and reassuring to me.
It seems semiotic to me. There is the thing itself – the sign. An icon is a representation that resembles the sign. An index is signals or points to the sign. Symbols are signs that stand for something without physical resemblance or any direct link to the the sign.
I will come back to semiotics as one of the weird things I think about, as there is the void and there is meaning. The mystery is how one becomes filled with the other.
C in #AtoZ2023 – Chopra
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