The harvest in, food is abundant, and there is time to feast and remember. The day for all souls, a day for the living, and a day for the dead.
Sometimes I Travel
I observed (ever the anthropologist) my friends become early employees of the people whose quotes comprise Valley of Genius: The Uncensored History of Silicon Valley, a signed copy of which I snagged at the summit. And now 40 years later I managed, inadvertently, to take a wrap-up tour of the same area so heavily layered with memories from my youth while celebrating current friends and family.
Same Old Dreams, Despair, and Determination
We dream for our babies, our children, nieces and nephews, those we teach, and those we heal. We women are used to situations that do not make sense. I struggle with this myself. I know I spend much more time trying to unravel the knots in logic that are fed to me by various data-streams […]
The Trump Effect, PTSD, and the Dixie Chicks
Today is first time in many months that I am not being overwhelmed by every political ad, statement, or interview I see or hear. I now understand why I have been so down these last few months. The aha moment of realizing exactly what was upsetting me did not take the pain, confusion, or sadness […]
Connecting Autumn Memories
I do not like the label Münchausen Syndrome by Proxy. It conveys no meaning in and of itself. The label routinely began to be applied to a type of medical child abuse in families the late 1970s. The catchy descriptive phrase was used by the British physician, Dr. Roy Meadows, to capture the wild tale […]
New WLP Section Coming Soon
Only a few of you know that I endured a childhood filled with medical abuse that must have arisen from a factitious disorder from which my mother suffered. The situation is now colloquially referred to as Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. I have written about my experience for the last thirteen years, during which time I finally put all the pieces […]