Prision, originally uploaded by Arispg. I found this photo in association with a poem (by Arispg) about Guantanamo. Such an evocative photo. While the subject is deadly serious the photo captures attention in a way that adds a pause to anyone looking at the accompanying article. Cognitive dissonance… attractive (in the true sense of the […]
More Raging Grannies Hear The Call to Serve and are Arrested
Those Raging Grannies are at it again. Bless their hearts.18 Grandmothers Against the War, Raging Grannies and Gray Panthers were arrested at a Times Square recruiting office yesterday when they tried to enlist and sat down to wait for the recruiters to open the door. They chanted, “We insist. We Want to enlist!” A highly […]
Voting and Driving
A favorite saying of my husband’s grandfather, Lorenzo “Windy” Parnell: Voting is like driving a car. When you want it to go forward you put it in “D.” When you want it to go backward you put it in “R.”
Voting. Has right given way to privilege in Arizona?
Some of the attenton of the nation should begin to turn to voting rights and voting procedure this week with the appearance of Arizona Secretary of State Jan Brewer in court for failure to perform duty to adopt voting equipment decertification standards. The Arizona Citizens for Fair Elections site describes is thus: Secretary of State […]
What's been happening in the Old Pueblo
A 20% increase in border deaths in the Tucson Sector in the last 12 months is a shocking and relatively unreported factoid. There was a large Border Action yesterday sponsored by Derechos Humanos/Alianza Indígena Sin Fronteras; Nogales Infantil; Promotoras de Derechos Humanos-Nogales, Son. and Tucson, AZ; No More Deaths, UA Women of Color, UA MEChA, […]
Back Home Again in Arizona
Been back in Arizona for a couple of days now after attending a family wedding in New York that piggy-backed the D.C. protests. It seems like I have been gone for ages. While I’ve blogged over the last few weeks, I have not had reliable internet access nor access to mainstream, corporate televised media. The […]