Swag to the Rescue
I’m at my daughter’s! She gave me Monday to recover from a week of travel preceding this Minneapolis visit to chill and organize my contacts from the conference. It is a good thing she is at work; I’m a bit under the weather today and wouldn’t be a lot of fun to be around. Also, as I have said so very many times, Zilla, could have destroyed Tokyo in under two minutes as a Toddler and she is still an amazingly dynamic and vibrant person. Calm will help me heal. And my fortuitous swag. This is not a compensated post. I’m just thankful I had all this stuff with me.
I am so happy for the cookies picked up at the B(l)oomers Party after #BlogHer13; I snarfed them down this a.m. before could take a pic. They are made from Fat Boys Cookie Dough. Yum! They were delightful! I also had a sample protein shake /drink mix from Nature’s Bounty. These allowed me to get through the day at my poor, impoverished, under-stocked and now totally bare-cupboarded daugher’s apartment.

I didn’t have much food because Zilla’s labrador, Hendrix, has a compulsive eating problem and because I sent Zilla off to work. Hendrix once only attacked the garbage, and broke into the pantry, but he learned to break into the fridge before my arrival, and snarfed down pounds and pounds of meat and ingredients purchased in preparation for a cooking fest during my visit.
I then came down with the most terrible allergy attack that lead into a cold/flu-like thingy. Thank heavens for Boiron’s oscillococcinum. It seemed to really relieve the intensity of the symptoms. And I simply do not have enough praises to sing about Simply Saline by Arm and Hammer. It has kept me breathing and unstuffed; and I remain convinced it kept me from getting a secondary bacterial infection.
Without the swag from #BlogHer13 I would have starved to death or died from the flu. No lie.
Great, funny post, and thanks for the shoutout for the B(L)oomers Party! We’ve got a good picture of you with Lili Bloomer headed your way soon!
Coolio! Better than the one of Phoebe and I? Impossible.
You should know that I kept all the swag from the B(l)oomer Party with me as I traveled around and eventually came back here to AZ, that was the case with the BH stuff.
Ladies, here’s two photos of you on Flickr! Lili Bloomer has her own Flickr site, don’t ya know!
Feel free to use them or to comment!
Oh, and hubby says thank you for the kind words and please visit him at http://www.fineartamerica.com/art/all/john+babis/all
Will do!
Cool! Thanks!
The cookies were fabulous! I accepted a second bag of them on my way out the door & shared them with my driver :)!
I told you I’d make myself known the next time I stopped by :)! Did you see the pic I posted of the two of us on my blog?
What picture? Where? Do I look gorgeous?
Is Lili Bloomer there too?
Phoebe and I look gorgeous.
Your hubby is a good photographer.
Phoebe, Butter makes those cookies taste really good. Butter does that.
I saw the pic and will probably steal it with credit given to you as camera owner, and Chris’ husband as photographer, for use in my B(l)oomer Party post, if that is okay.
Thanks for making yourself “known.”