First let me clarify that this is a non-sponsored post. I was however invited to a pre-opening luncheon and tour of the store with other Tucson bloggers and to the private opening celebration at The Container Store at the Tucson Mall where all attendees were given small gifts. All opinions are my own. Containing and storing […]
Co-working, Networking, Achieving
Co-working groups are a variation on co-working spaces. I highly recommend employing this model and developing it as a women-centric variant of co-working spaces in order to achieve women’s business and life goals which exist outside of traditional business goals and operations. Please note that many, if not most, women’s business aspirations do fit within traditional […]
Clouds of Late Fifties Funk
I have been in a funk and giving myself a pity party for the last several weeks. First I realized my magical year was ending as my 58th birthday rolled around a couple weeks ago. Born in 1957 my 57th year was to be magical or golden according to contemporary mythology I chose to embrace. […]
The Two Mothers of Mother's Day
The real story of Mother’s Day is beginning to be be recognized. What is so often thought of as a day to be nice to your mother has far more complexity, spirituality, and politics sewn into it than most contemporary people know. No matter how you slice it, the history of Mother’s Day is intimately […]
Challenge Yourself
In April of this year, ending just a few days ago, I completed the Blogging A to Z Challenge with 26 posts on this site. One was put up each day, Monday through Saturday, with Sundays off. Such a schedule allows for the writing days and days off to equal the number of the days […]
Zealotry, Zaftig and Zami
Today’s post is the last post, the post for the Letter Z in the Blogging A to Z Challenge in which I enrolled so as to help me get some of the basics about how this site views the topic of Women’s Legacy. It has been a very good experience: fun, educational, and it provided […]