Am I reaching a bit too far to make alphabetic, A to Z, connections? Maybe. But I started out researching this post with Switchblade (see the YouTube video below) playing in the background. You might think it is a Peter Gun rip off, but I don’t think so. His classic, but vastly under-valued, fuzzy riffs […]
I’m spending a lot of time thinking about heat. Today, as this post goes up, the high temperature where I live will be 97°F or 36.11° C. The formula for converting temps back and forth between the two scales is: Formula used for this calculation: (97°F − 32) × 5/9 = 36.111°C Holy Hellfire Batman! Tucson […]
Esoteric Entities
Some folks take things far more literally than I do. With me, many concepts are up for discussion. But discussion isn’t belief. And I do not care for argument. As I’ve mentioned before, in the last few days, speaking things into being starts the universe according to many religions. It is one of those things […]
Data, Reasoning, Decisions, and Daily Life
Life is strange. People are too. And my writing this month is too. Day Four of this masochistic month-long writing exercise that is: This A to Z (April 2023.)–Note: this main A to Z link is not a secure link. NOT https. Don’t ask me why. Ask the organizers. What I’m Doing This Month I […]
Kinship and Kindness
This is a lot harder to do than it sounds, but we women have to put it into practice now, or our species and all those we interact with are in very dire straits.
Hille and Henges
What we build reflects how we view and organize ourselves.