As a child in the 1960s, way back last millennium, I did not notice that women leaders were lacking from political offices. By the time I was a teenager a few brave women had stepped forward. I then noticed. Errors of omission are the most difficult ones to spot. I had a lot of difficulty […]
Staying Focused Under Fire
Let’s make the world a better place for Women’s History Month. I know I am aiming for that.
Seriously, Life Gets Weird
I can speak up. We should all speak up and speak out!
Personal Curation
WLP focuses on meaning not monetization. I teach women how to use social media and online platforms to tell their stories and market their businesses. I am now bringing this approach to a larger sphere of women’s lives and offering expanded access to my methods.
OMG – Best Networking Ever
I am in San Diego at a National Women’s History Alliance meeting. Do you know about the Justice Bell. Did not this morning. Now I do. A copy of the Liberty Bell made by suffragists to tour around on a flat bed truck as a draw for suffragists speeches, over a 100 years ago. We […]
Remembering 1.8.2011
January 8th is one of those dates. One of those terrible and increasingly common dates. A young white man with access to a gun and who should not have had access to one, attempted to assassinate Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was my Congresswoman at that time. Giffords was holding a “Congress on your corner” event […]