Remember that advertising poster from 100 years ago of a little girl and a St. Bernard walking on a village sidewalk? That is how we should all think about breakfast, “Off to school well fed on…”
I’m trying to be better when it comes to eating only when I’m hungry, reducing sugar and over-processed carbohydrates, and reducing the amount fat that I consume.
Thus breakfast can look something like this and it is yummy and hearty! Cooking it in apple juice eliminates the need for any other sweetener.

I cook the oats for two (1.5 cups) in apple juice (2.5 cups) toss in a few sliced or chopped almonds, some dried cranberries, a sprinkling of ginger and cinnamon and cook it over a medium flame, stirring constantly, until it thickens. Then I serve it up into bowls and garnish with a dollop of low fat and sugar-free Greek yogurt and a few dried cranberries.
I have to be good so perhaps posting about food occasionally will help me accomplish that.
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